Saturday, August 16, 2014

Well - Whole30. I didn't finish it.

One of the hardest things about the Whole30 program is it is either all or nothing.  I felt, for sure, that this is what I needed to get me back on track after the summer splurges.  HOWEVER, after 10 days I realized it was not.  With the fear of failure, I set out to do this.  And I failed this Whole30.

I made it to day 10.  Days 2-4 were really tough - I was tired, I wasn't hungry, but I had the junk clearing my system and I knew what positives were coming.  Day 7 and 8 I had the energy I wanted back!  The aches and pains were beginning to subside and I didn't want to sleep all the time.  This is what I wanted all along!! I knew I could do it again!

Then came Day 10.  I made a choice to have a bit of wine with my friend and her extended family.  I didn't eat crazy things, I didn't drink a whole bottle.  I had a tasting and a few sips more.   And socialized and it was fabulous.

I don't think I needed a Whole30 to get me where I needed to be.   Instead I needed to commit myself to planning meals, food choices, not eating or drinking out of boredom or habit.  I needed to know that those choices give me the good feeling and energy I needed.  I needed to know that I can do this again without going crazy - that I'm not completely out of control.

So I came home, after being out with friend...and I made a healthy dinner.  And the next day, I got up and made all healthy choices and I've continued that.   It isn't that I won't be compliant or that I am a failure, but instead, I learned what lesson I needed to learn.

I failed at this Whole30, but I'm not a failure.

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